Hexham Abbey Record

The Rector and Mr C C Hodges are issuing a book which will be of unique interest to all who have any regard for Hexham Abbey. To produce it will be costly, as no expense is being spared in making it of permanent and historic interest. It will be largely illustrated by tone and line blocks. In Messrs Gibson & Son we have photographers of the best class, and genuine lovers of all work of archæological value. It will be clear that the main object is the desire of the Committee to raise as speedily as possible the sum of £10,000. Subscribers of two guineas will be entitled to a free copy.

[The full title was “A Record of All Works Connected with Hexham Abbey since January 1899 and Now in Progress”.]

The issue of the Hexham Abbey Record is apparently to have a short life. The Rector, Mr C C Hodges, and Messrs Catherall and Co may be thoroughly satisfied with a book to which they gave much thought. Every review has been favourable throughout, and letters have testified appreciation in eulogistic terms. In the book market it would have had a ready sale, but the Rector kept the issue in his own hands for obvious reasons. Though the issue dies, the book lives, and will live as a most interesting and unique Record of Hexham Abbey, and those who possess a copy will not readily part with it. All the paper copies are out, and there is only a very limited number of cloth copies in hand. Any one returning a paper copy with 2/6 [12½p] can have a 7/6 [37½p] copy exchanged; or 7/6 [37½p] copies can at present be purchased. The one desire in the issue of the book was to serve Hexham Abbey— our beautiful, ancient, and common heritage — which ecclesiastically, architecturally, and archæologically is Northumbria's choicest treasure. The writer takes this opportunity of expressing his great obligations to Mr C C Hodges, Messrs Gibson and Son, and Messrs Catherall and Co, for co-operation, which adds to their repute; and the Hexham Abbey Completion Committee for the ready trust which they imposed in him.