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Brass plaque on stone in memory of Marg. Fairlamb
plaque | memorial
brass | stone
Brass plate on stone, set rather high, and difficult to read. Square, with semicircle top centre.
To the
Memory of MARG.
Daughter of GEORGE
Who Died. Feby 21th AD. 1771. 16.Æ
An Epitaph
Great King of Terrors, where are now thy stings
Whre new thy Conquest,all devouring Grave.
O'er both the virgin soul triumants sings,
Thro' him who suffer'd to Redeem and Save.
The Prince of Mercy bids the Virgin rise,
From Earths vain transport and corrodingcare;
On Seraph's Wings she views Superior Skies
And 'sociates with the best lov'd Angels there
Caps and lc, Roman and italic, several typos & inefficiently set out.
Burial Register: Mgt Fairlamb, daughter of George, hatter, 23 Feb 1771.
1823: “South aisle of the choir— … On a brass plate inserted in a plain neat stone— …” [A B Wright, 1823, p.99]
Brass: H 0.38 m | W 0.30 m | D <1 cm | Stone: H 0.89 m | W 0.80 m | D 8 cm | Shelf: H 0.13 m | 0.92 m | D 10 cm
Foot 2.87 m from ground
South Transept/East Aisle/Bay 2: St Etheldreda's Chapel