HEXAB1050Hover on
Tombstone Nº.2 of Dame Mary Blackett
tombstone | memorial
Small slab recording vault burial
No 2.
Dame Mary
Blackett died
29th Novr 1756
aged 82
Dame Mary was the wife of Sir Edward (HEXAB1049), and formerly wife of Nicholas Roberts, merchant of London, by whom she had a son Nicholas (Nº.4: HEXAB1046).
1754: Licence to Sir Edward Blackett, bart., to convert a certain arch or vacant space of ground, under the ancient treasury, and the way leading thereto at the south end of the south aisle of the parish church, containing in length from east to west 14 yards, and in breadth from north to south 4 yards, into a family burying place, with a door leading thereto from the south aisle. [A History of Northumberland Vol. III part I 1896 A B Hinds p.175]
Beneath this balcony [in the south transept] is the cemetery of the respected ancestors of the Blackett family. [History of Hexham, A. B. Wright, 1823, p.67]
Burial Register: Dame Mary Blackett, relict of Sir Edwd, Bart. 7 Dec 1756.
H 98 cm | W 60 cm | D 9 cm
Against S wall base on ground
South Transept/Slype/Outer Porch
CND: S7; EM253
See also: thepeerage.com