HEXAB1204Hover on
Lazarus Angas' gravestone
gravestone | memorial
Grey sandstone upright, weathered at top and partly illegible. Decorative top, heart motif. Lower case lettering, surnames italic. Parents' surname possibly altered from “Angas”?
Here Lieth the Body
of Lazarus Angas Son of Will
iam and Hannah Angus of
Juniper Dye House who Dep
arted this Life March 1st
1762 Aged 13 years and 9
Months. Swift was his flight
and Short the Road: He clos'd
his Eyes and Saw his God;
The flesh rests here till Jesus
Come and claim the Treasure
from the Tomb
LAZARUS ANGUS, b. 1748, Hexham; d. 1 March 1762, aged 13 yrs 9 mths. He was buried on the 3 March 1762, Hexham, St Andrew, Northumberland.
Burial register transcript: 1762, Mar 3 Angus Lazarus s.o. Wm.
W 620 | H 980 to soil level
Exterior/Nave/North/Campy Hill West
CND: 4 A4 14; NCH3 p.199
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