Missing Carnaby Grave Slabs
ledger | memorial
Near to which [George Ritschel's ledger near the pulpit] is the burying place of the ancient family of the Carnabys, covered with marble slabs adorned with crosses, branched with flowers and other emblems of ancient piety, and on one of them this inscription:
Here lyeth interred the body of
Francis Carnaby of Nobbock
who was buried the 23rd of Jan. 1657
Æt. suæ 26
Mihi vita Christus.
1657/58, 28 January, Frances Carnaby de Nubbuck buried. {Hexham Register}. The following from NCH4 p19–20, citing Hexham Register: Richard Carnaby of Nubbock buried in Hexham Chancel, 18th Nov 1692; Mrs. Joane Carnaby of Hexham buried in the Chancel. Francis Carnaby of Nubbock buried in Hexham Chancel, 20th Oct. 1725; William, buried in Hexham Chancel, 15th May 1692; Ralph, buried in Hexham Chancel, 14th Jun 1659; Anne, buried in Hexham Chancel, 6th Feb 1698/9. Roger Carnaby of Hexham buried in Hexham Chancel 7th Apr 1713; Margaret Carnaby of Nubbuck buried in church 29th Feb 1651/2.
From Rossiter Database: will of Francis Carnaby £209 13s 4d.
Documented in past, now lost.
Warburton MS in PSAN Vol.8 1898 No.18 p146; Carnaby family trees NCH4 p19–20