HEXAB166 Click on
19 photos
The Passion paintings
screen | furniture
part painted
The Passion paintings
The history of these paintings is unknown but
they date from the beginning of the 16th century.
Although badly damaged, and for a time painted
over completely, the paintings were restored in
1963 and in 1990. A tenth panel appears to have
gone missing in the 1980s. The paintings depict
the sufferings of Jesus before his death, which
are known collectively as the Passion of Christ.
The infra-red images of each panel help to reveal
the details of each picture.
Scenes: Christ before Pilate etc. 1–5 Christ before various justices? authority figures; 6 Scourging; 7 Crown of Thorns; 8 Mocking (?); 9 Christ carrying cross.
Frame with painted scenes of the Passion. Nine (out of twelve?) panels made of planks some now split or missing (with substitute wood) each measuring approx. height 880 width 330 mm.
Nine panels set into a framework separated by vertical mullions with plain profiles (not original). The upper section of the framework appears old and may be original. The boards of the support run horizontally and are joined with birds-mouth jointing.
early 16th cent
Pre-1907: at left-hand (north) end of top row of painted panels on the Smithson screen facing west.
(PCC 1/6/1971) “Paintings: The Rector reported some paintings were to be moved from the top of the Night Stairs to the outer screen of St Etheldreda's Chapel. facing into the Abbey.”
(PCC 6/7/1971) “Paintings on Wood: The Rector stated that these would not fit in the place suggested, but there was a space in the North Choir Aisle. Visitors could see the paintings when they went to look at the carvings on the Leschman Chantry.”
(PCC 7/9/1971) “Paintings on Wood: These are still to be moved.”
(PCC 5/10/1971) “Paintings on Wood: The Rector had nothing to report as they had not yet been moved.”
(PCC 2/11/1971) “Paintings on Wood: these were now moved and were to be found behind the Abbey Screen.”
19 Dec 1990: “Passion Panel fixed in S [sic] Choir Aisle following its restoration by Mrs Susan Wood. The Pilgrim Trust contributed £2,000 towards the cost. [Churchwardens Record HEXAB9535 p66]
10 Nov 1991: ‘New low voltage lighting installed … to illuminate “Passion” panel by Orly Co Ltd’ [Churchwardens Record HEXAB9535 p67]
The panels have been completely overpainted and then cleaned. Received treatment in 1963 (P Plummer) and again in 1990–91 (Susan Wood).
2012: “The 15thC series of paintings on wood is currently located out of the main Abbey visitor route area in the North choir aisle. It is proposed to site this as a major exhibit in a purpose-designed monitored and secure case in the new exhibition area. Theologically this will demonstrate that the community of faith down the centuries has been called to take up their cross and follow the way of Jesus Christ.” [Hexham Abbey collection faculty document.pdf, §5]
Pre-October 2014 fixed to the north wall of the chancel N aisle, close to St Wilfrid's Chapel. Some time after 1908, at the W end of the N wall of the chancel N aisle. Until 1971 on gallery at top of Night Stairs.
2014: moved to climate-controlled display case at S end of Monastic Workshop in the ‘Big Story’ exhibition and displayed with infra-red images [HEXAB9009.1].
H 1085 | W full length 3510 frame size
in climate-controlled display case at S end
Visitor Centre/Monastic Workshop
1961: “(2) To restore the Mediæval Panel Paintings”; Faculty Regr. no.3. Faculty no. 2195, 10.7.1961
1964. To remove 2 panels of the mediæval paintings on wood from their present position in the North Choir Aisle to positions as follows: … 2. Passion to be fixed to the top of the Night Stair, against the south wall of the Transept, so that they shall not break up the vista of the S Transept as seen from the main part of the church. Faculty reg. no.3. Faculty no.2356, 2.6.1964. NRO EP.184/80.

HEXAB166.1Hover on
Passion Panel 1
painted-panel | flat art
“So the soldiers… arrested Jesus and bound him.
First they took him to Annas… who questioned him…”
[The Bible, John's Gospel]
Two panels Castle wall with slits Anne incised – a guard standing either side of Jesus restraining him
2nd to bottom shows a man – but not related to panel above
Made up of five panels, top & bottom ones are replacements
early 16th cent
H 890 | W 340
on display
Visitor Centre/Monastic Workshop

HEXAB166.2Hover on
Passion Panel 2
painted-panel | flat art
“Annas sent Jesus bound to Caiaphas, the high priest…”
(The image at the bottom of this panel shows
how Jesus was betrayed by Judas with a kiss.)
Same building in background with eight lancets? windows oval shape on top. Large leaded window Christ still held by guards + man with ermine collar. Three bearded, two clean shaven men
early 16th cent
H 890 | W c340
on display
Visitor Centre/Monastic Workshop

HEXAB166.3Hover on
Passion Panel 3
painted-panel | flat art
“Then they took Jesus to Pilate's headquarters…”
Same building with doorway five figures. three male, two female. Pontius Pilate? ermine collar, cuffs & hat. Christ still (hands tied). Pilate holding staff. Lady on right has arm on Christ's arm
Four panels, bottom one a plain replacement (with a barely discernible figure?)
early 16th cent
H 890 | W c340
on display
Visitor Centre/Monastic Workshop

HEXAB166.4Hover on
Passion Panel 4
painted-panel | flat art
“Pilate sent Jesus off to see Herod… He questioned
him at some length…”
Double leaded window in background. Canopy (over chair) four figures. Magistrate similar to previous one.
Bottom panel replacement.
early 16th cent
H 890 | W c340
on display
Visitor Centre/Monastic Workshop

HEXAB166.5Hover on
Passion Panel 5
painted-panel | flat art
Pilate went out to the Jews and told them, “I find no
case against him… Do you want me to release for you
the King of the Jews?”
Same building. Staircase. Magistrate with stave topped with decorative end. Christ hands tied with rope. Huge nosed man in green robe.
early 16th cent
H 890 | W c340
on display
Visitor Centre/Monastic Workshop

HEXAB166.6Hover on
Passion Panel 6
painted-panel | flat art
“Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged…”
Same building; two sets of windows either side of an altar? Christ stripped to waist tied to pillar. Man on left holding a cat of nine tails. Right hand man arms raised & wearing a sword
early 16th cent
H 890 | W c340
on display
Visitor Centre/Monastic Workshop

HEXAB166.7Hover on
Passion Panel 7
painted-panel | flat art
“And soldiers wove a crown of thorns and put it
on his head and they dressed him in a purple robe…”
Same building but further back in picture two observers in balcony one male magistrate, one female half a figure on left hand side. Christ with robe & crown of thorns.
three panels – bottom one a replacement.
early 16th cent
H 890 | W c340
on display
Visitor Centre/Monastic Workshop

HEXAB166.8Hover on
Passion Panel 8
painted-panel | flat art
Jesus came out… Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!”
…they shouted “Crucify him!”
Exterior of building. Six figures – Christ in centre, hands bound. Soldiers either side of him. Magistrate holding shorter staff. Onlookers
early 16th cent
H 890 | W c340
on display
Visitor Centre/Monastic Workshop

HEXAB166.9Hover on
Passion Panel 9
painted-panel | flat art
“So they took Jesus and, carrying the cross by himself,
he went out to what is called The Place of the Skull…”
Christ carrying cross on right shoulder. Building very faint now. A hand appears to be helping Christ to carry the cross.
Top & bottom panel replacements – blank, all of them thickly varnished.
early 16th cent
H 890 | W c340
on display
Visitor Centre/Monastic Workshop