HEXAB2198Hover on
Fenwick Salade or Sallet
helmet | metalwork
Fenwick salad
This dates from around 1460, and is an Italian-made helmet. Its original date fits with the Battle of Hexham in 1464. The Duke of Somerset was captured at the battle, and beheaded in Hexham Marketplace.
It has been adapted and used in the 1600s, which fits with the tradition of it being the remodelled helmet of the Duke of Somerset used at the Battle of Marston Moor in 1644 by John Fenwick.
An Italian-made helmet with a large jagged hole at the top on the left side.
Believed to have been worn by the Duke of Somerset at the Battle of Hexham in 1464. He was captured at the battle, and beheaded in Hexham Marketplace. Tradition has it that it was later worn by Colonel John Fenwick who was killed at the Battle of Marston Moor, 2nd July 1644.
“The helmet is that of Fenwick, who was slain at the Battle of Marsden Moor.” [A B Wright's History of Hexham, 1823 fn.5 p90]
c1715 Warburton MS: “… on the pillar adjoining [the Leschman tomb], an helmet fixt” [Proc.Soc.Ant.Ncle. vol.8 1898 no.18 p145]
Hodges (1888) plate 3 is a drawing showing the helmet displayed in the Chancel of the Abbey on a bracket [HEXAB2124] fixed to the north wall towards the east end. ‘The helmet seen on the right of the plate is a “salade,” ascribed by tradition to Sir John Fenwick who was killed at Marston Moor in 1644. But authorities on armour state that it is not later than the 15th century.’ [Hodges, 1888 Monograph, p54]
Photographs taken soon after the Nave was built in 1908 show the helmet on the same bracket fixed to the south wall of the Nave at the east end. Photographed by Gibson [HEXAB9019.49].
1988: “Museum Committee. It was felt that the skull [HEXAB9517] and helmet should be offered to the Border Museum, it being a more suitable place for the display of these objects.” [Abbey Chronicle, Nov. 1988. PCC News, p.2]
1989: “Agreement between the Rector, Hexham Abbey and Tynedale District Council relating to the loan of the Skull and Helmet of Sir John Fenwick.” [Signed & Sealed 7 Mar. 1989] Transferred to the Border History Museum in the Manor Office, known since 1992 as the Old Gaol.
on display
Hexham Old Gaol Museum
EP 184/140 (1964) Papers re the Fenwick Sallet.
Faculty no.6517: 2015. 7 May. The extension of the loan of the skull and helmet of Sir John Fenwick to the Woodhorn Trust for five years.