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Phelps organ case
organ | furniture
light oak
Graffiti on top photographed March 2023: “ORGAN | INSTALLed By | Clive Webster | Bob Pfister | Victor Caden | David Young | All of Erie PA USA | Voiced by | Lawrence Phelps | June–July–August | 1974–Ad | Recital By | Gilliam [sic] Weir | Aug 8–1974”
Made by Lawrence Phelps 34 stops, 48 ranks of pipes, 2 manuals & pedal board, 2,304 pipes. ‘installed with great care and skill…proven to be one of the Abbey's most recent treasures…It superbly fulfils its basic function… ongoing worship of the Abbey, and its sensitivity makes it a valuable teaching instrument and a versatile and exciting recital instrument’ Ron Lane, Chairman Organ Cmte. The organ case is in three sections. The central part is slightly wider than its predecessor, and the wing sections reach almost/actually to touch the capitals of the crossing piers. On the west the face of the organ is kept in line with the most projecting moulding of the archway. On the east it projects well beyond the archway and even beyond the outer mouldings of the triforium arches. A central double balcony projects even further, though this is disguised by the projection of the centre of the Smithson Screen. The instrument is much admired for its wonderful sound but less so for its visual qualities.
Celebrating 1300th anniversary of foundation.
The organ was used for the first time on Sunday 8th September 1974 (6.30 pm Evensong). It was dedicated on Advent Sunday 1974. [from Canon R Lemmon's “Our Glorious Year” – HEXAB9031.n]
The 24-year-old organ is to be stripped, cleaned, re-assembled and revamped. [Hex. Cour. 29.5.1998.]
It was a pleasure to see Fernand Létourneau, the organ builder, in the Abbey. After much work, involving some parts being transported to Canada, the organ is back enhanced and refurbished and in magnificent voice. Whilst work was in progress it was fascinating to see inside the upper turrets and chambers and to hear many strange sounds and to watch the dedicated work of Fernand Létourneau's team. Our thanks to them all! [Abbey Chronicle, Oct.1998, p.3 – People]
Fixed | between Crossing and Chancel
Tower Crossing/Organ Loft
1972. Installation of new organ. Faculty reg. no.3. Faculty no.3568, 6.4.1972. NRO EP.184/80.
1991. install oak screen in front of console. Faculty no.4375 granted 5th Sep.
1999. To remove the 1991 heavy oak screen in front of console and revert to the original curtain screen. Faculty reg. no.5, Faculty no.5174, granted 10th Dec. 1999.
See also: www.hexhamabbey.org.uk
See also: www.lawrencephelps.com