HEXAB3010 Click on
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Hexham Abbey from Market Place
watercolour | flat art
Decent rather clinical professional watercolour. Impersonal architectural figures. No traffic. Shows Gibson fountain/cross in Mkt Place. Building at end of Abbey flags extended
on piers over right-of way passage. No song school. Flat roofed Abbey shop in front of Chapter Ho. vestibule – chapel clock stands at 10.10 hrs. Signed Ronald Maddox.
Typed label on back: “HEXHAM ABBEY NORTHUMBERLAND | Water Colour Painting by RONALD MADDOX RI SGA FSIA | Commissioned by JOHN GLANFIELD January 1975”
Plain gilt frame with three corner joints unstuck. Repaired with masking tape which is damaging the gilding. NEEDS REPAIR.
Grey mount in good condition
Ronald Maddox
(PCC 4/3/1975) “A water colour of the Abbey commissioned and presented by Mr Glanfield was also shown to the P.C.C.”
1975: “Tues 4th March … A watercolour of the Abbey, commissioned and presented by Mr Glanfield, Abbey Architect, was also received at the above meeting; later it was hung in the Abbey Vestry, by the Robing Chest. [Churchwardens Record HEXAB9535 p32]
Pre-2015 in Parish Centre ground floor east
H 200 | W 270 | Frame c. 400 × 370
In storage