HEXAB3227 Click on
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Lady Chapel before & after restoration
drawing | flat art
Hand Tinted illustrations of the Eastern Chapels, before & after a possible restoration.
Title at top [caps]: “Hexham Abbey Church”; Captions [caps]: “The Lady Chapel as it Now Appears” and “The Lady Chapel Restored” and [lc] “from a design by R.W. Billings Esqr”.
Framed & glazed mounted in brown wood with gilt inside edge
Robert William Billings “pinxit” | Lamberts “Sc.”
Northumberland Archives item EP/184/93: “Printed circular letter announcing meeting of the subscribers to the Restoration Fund (6 March 1852). Includes details of funds raised and engravings of ‘The Lady Chapel As It Now Appears’, and ‘The Lady Chapel Restored’.”
The British Library has an almost identical print with “1852” below the upper caption.
90 × 120
In storage
HAR: fn.2 p.37, Fig.23 p.38; EP/184/93; BL 1878,0713.2001