HEXAB3266Hover on
Three drawings of Interior of Hexham Abbey
painting | flat art
Three characterful views emphasizing yellowness of stone and reds of windows, banners, carpets. [left] N Transept NW corner; [middle] Chancel from Choir; [right] Crossing & N Transept from top of Night Stair; each signed & dated “Sisterson 72”. Proportions are splendidly inaccurate in places but the character of the Abbey remains.
Verso labels: [centre] “Stocksfield Studio | Branch End, Stocksfield, Northumberland | … NE43 7NA | …” (pre-printed) with typescript: “Hexham Abbey Interior | Artist | Kathleen M Sisterson | Item No.71   Provenance Artist”.
[top-left] (left, bottom, and right edges torn off) “[?]T.D. | Kathleen M. Sister[son] | 2, Westfield Ter[race] | Hexham | Name   Medium   Pr[ovenance] | [Hexham] Abbey   Wax+In[k?]   [?]
[between above two labels] “Hexham Abbey | Kathleen M Sisterson | Item No.71   £30”
Plain wooden frame; 3 drawings in mount; wax & ink(?). Medium difficult to assess but included wax crayon which, if mixed with watercolour, would account for the spotty finish.
Kathleen M Sisterson
frame 666 × 355 | each picture 174 × 247
In storage