HEXAB6202Hover on
CASSS Hexham 23 + 5 photos
Part of a carved stone lintel
lintel | stonework
Stone 5
This stone is decorated with a pattern
based on elaborately carved railing,
and probably came from a lintel over
a door in Wilfrid's church. Similar work
can be found at the contemporary
monastery at Jarrow and is also copied
at nearby Simonburn.
Coarse-grained, massive yellow sandstone. Broken but unworn. The only carved face is surrounded by a flat-band moulding. Within the moulding is a row of balusters which are bellying in shape, splayed, and with a single moulding at the top and bottom. Roughly dressed. Or “baluster impost” [Kirby]
7th cent?
First mentioned in 1925.
Pre-October 2014 in N chancel aisle S side; previously on ledge [CASSS 1977]
2012: “Decorated stone, similar to that found at Jarrow.” [Hexham Abbey collection faculty document.pdf, §9]
H 140 | W 229 | D 101 [Kirby, 1974, p.176 no.24]
first (top) row
Visitor Centre/Mercers' Gallery/West Wall
Kirby 1974 Pl.XIVd