HEXAB6217Hover on
CASSS Hexham 16 + 1 photo
Saxon Grave Cover
grave-cover | stonework
Saxon Grave Cover
The stone tapers slightly towards each end and the top and bottom are rounded. The vertical faces are uncarved.
The top is carved with a long stemmed cross, and there is a section of roll moulding curving over the cross-head. The stem of the cross continuing up to the horizontal arm is roughly rounded, but towards the foot flattens and expands, with an incised outline. Sometimes referred to as Acca's.
early 10th–mid 11th cent
Found in May 1908 close to large stone coffin which was almost touching wall south-east of apse of Saxon church. [See lantern-slide HEXAB9019.11]
Pre-October 2014 in N chancel aisle S side.
1935: North side of western bay of south Chancel aisle [Hadcock 1935 plan no.22 “8th c. Slab of S.Acca (supposed)” & CASSS 1977]
L 1570 | W 588 > 370 | D 115 [Kirby, 1974, p.174 no.17]
south side
Chancel/North Aisle
Kirby 1974 Pl.XVb