HEXAB6274Hover on
Sculpture in bas-relief re Mithras
sculpture | stonework
A portion of a large Roman stone with sculpture in bas-relief representing the worship of Mithras … of very great importance, as it is a pictorial rendering of the temple dedicated to that deity, the remains of which were uncovered at Corstopitum (Corbridge) during the excavations made in 1907. Built into N wall of Nave N aisle near the W end.
2nd–3rd cent AD
“Roman Sculpture. Thought to be a portion of a legionary stone. Found on site of Nave, April, 1907.” [caption for Plate XXXVII = HEXAB9019.23]
440 × 705
recess 2
Nave/North Aisle/North Wall/Bay 5
Hodges & Gibson 1919 p.66; Savage & Hodges 1907 Pl.XXXVII