Our Carols by Candlelight services this year will be on Sunday 22nd and Monday 23rd of December at 5pm and 7pm.
As always, these services will be free, but ticketed, in order for us to control safe numbers in the Abbey. Over 600 tickets are released for each service, meaning we are providing the opportunity for roughly 2,500 people to come to these services. Despite this, these services to tend to 'sell out' very quickly.
Tickets for these CAN BE BOOKED HERE. This year tickets will also be available over the phone from Monday morning - please ring 0333 666 3366 to book yours.
Once sold out, there will be a waiting list for any returned tickets and you will be contacted in the event that tickets become available.
Our Children's Crib Service this year will be on Tuesday 24 December at 3pm and again, will be a ticketed event to allow us to have safe numbers in the Abbey.
Tickets for these servicesCAN BE BOOKED HERE., and available through the telephone box office from Monday morning 0333 666 3366.
Midnight Mass will take place on Tuesday 24th December at 11pm, this is an unticketed service and everyone is welcome to come!
Christmas Morning Eucharist will take place at 10am and is also unticketed.
For more information about Christmas at the Abbey - pleasee see our Christmas Page