Missing Allgood Grave Slab
ledger | memorial
Not far from which [sepulchre of the Carrs] are interred the Allgoods of this town, as follows:
Here lyeth interred the body
…… widow
A memorable benefactor to this town,
who died June 16th, 1641
Mary Allgood, daughter to Lancelote,
died March 27th 1641
Richard Allgood, son of Lancelot,
died on the 16th of April 1641
Lancelot …… Allgood was buried
the 11th day of xbr ano dom. 1655
Here lyeth the body of Major Allgood,
son of Thomas Allgood,
buried the 12th of Augt 1671
Major filius Thomæ Allgood de Hexham
obit 12th die Augusti ano dom. 1671
Thoma Allgood (ter filius) obit
14 die 9bris 1674
Katherina filia prefati Thomæ
sepulta fuit 4 die Maii
‘xbr’ = ‘December’
‘filia prefati Thomæ sepulta fuit 4 die Maii' =
‘daughter of the aforementioned Thomas was buried on 4th May’
From Hexham Register: 1641 18 Apr Mary, daughter of Lancelot Allgood buried; 1641 28 Mar Richard son of Lancelot Allgood buried; 1655 9 Dec Lancelot, son of Mr George Allgood buried; 1671 12 Aug Major, son of Mr Thomas Allgood, bailiff, buried in the Chancel; 1674 15 Nov Thomas, son of Mr Thomas Allgood, bailiff, buried in the Chancel; 1675 4 May Catherine, daughter of Mr Thomas Allgood, bailiff, buried in the Chancel.
Documented in past, now lost.
Warburton MS in PSAN Vol.8 1898 No.18 p146