Missing Gibson Grave Slab
ledger | memorial
Next to which [grave slab of the Allgoods] is the burying place of the Gibsons, as the following rhymes will show:
Come hither my friends and mourn with me,
And see where Richard Gibson my husband doth lye,
Who lived together without any strife
Three and forty years with Edith his wife
And was buried the fourteenth of February
Ano dom. 1610.
Here lyeth interred the body of Richard
Gibson, tanner who was buried the 27th 9ber
Mary Gibson daughter of James Gibson
buried September 1696
Here lyeth interred the body of James Gibson, tanner
who departed this life
April the 1st 1691
‘9ber’ = ‘November’
From Hexham Register: 1610/11 14 Feb Richard Gibson senior buried; 1685 27 Nov Richard Gibson, tanner, buried in the Chancel; 1691 3 Apr James Gibson, tanner, buried in the Chancel.
From Rossiter Database: 1691 will of James Gibson, tanner, £59 10s 0d.
Documented in past, now lost.
Warburton MS in PSAN Vol.8 1898 No.18 p146–147