Missing Mowbray Gravestone
ledger | memorial
In the south isle of the Chancel are the following gravestones:
Johannes Mowbrid (sic) nuper de Steel, gen.
obit decimo septimo
die Junii, et hie una cum Josepho,
filio tertio suo, sepultus jacet
in spe beatæ resurrectionis
Johannes Mowbray recently of the steel died 17th June and, along with Joseph his third son, lies buried in the hope of a blessed resurrection, 1687.
From Hexham Register: 1687, 19 June. Mr John Mowbray of the Steel buried in the church.
“1687 15 June. Will of John Mowbray of the Steel gent. … My sons Joseph and Thomas and …” [Raine, Test. Ebor.]
Documented in past, now lost.
Warburton MS in PSAN Vol.8 1898 No.18 p148