HEXAB1424 Click on
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CB-23 | S6 | s(viii)
Canon Barker Memorial Window
stained-glass | window
The Barker memorial window of 1903 is by Henry Holiday
An original composition of Henry Holiday, made by his own small-scale firm at Hampstead.
Five Mothers bringing eight children to be blessed by Jesus. Above them an angel bears a scroll with the inscription: “SUFFER [THE] LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO ME & FORBID THEM NOT”.
The inscription across the foot of the window completes the text from Luke 18:16 “[FOR] OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN”
Memorial Inscription: On a bronze plaque mounted on the wall below [HEXAB1002]
Henry Holiday (1837–1927).
The 1902 Diocesan Faculty Application lodged in Northumberland Record Office mentions the “design hereto annexed”. The design shows at the foot: “1902. Henry Holiday”. The window in the Abbey does not show the date and name; that part of the window is below the stonework and is not visible. The Faculty Application says “estimated cost £180, voluntarily contributed”.
“Mr T Ellis proposed that permission be given to the placing of proposed memorials window & brass tablet to the late Canon Barker in the Aisle of the South Transept of the Church which was unanimously agreed to.” [Churchwardens' Minutes HEXAB5086 09/11/1903]
This window was placed in position by Mr T Ellis, painter. [Hex. Herald, 10.1.1904] Ellis was one of the churchwardens who signed the Faculty Petition 5th December 1903.
“On January 9th, the Bishop of Newcastle dedicated the window erected by parishioners and friends to the beloved memory of their late Rector, Canon Barker. The memorial is a just tribute to a good man who loved his Abbey, his Parish, and Parishioners.” [Hex.Par.Mag. Feb 1904, p.10]
The window is of specific interest designated by The Council for the Care of Churches in 1995.
1997: Protected with 6 mm polycarbonate by B & R Glazing Co Ltd in September 1997 [Rolling Faculty dated 23 April 1996]
2011/2012: All the polycarbonate protection was removed and wire guards fitted by H&R Developments, Caulkerbush, Dumfries in Oct–Nov 2011 and Jan 2012. [Faculty dated 26 July 2011]
2022: Priority C Window s(viii) Iona Art Glass recommend workshop conservation repair to window and installation of EPG system. [Quinquennial Inspection Report 2021]
890 × 3000
South Transept/East Aisle/Bay 1
Faculty. To fill the north window of the Aisle of the South Transept with painted glass and to affix to the Wall near the same Window a brass or bronze tablet or plate referring thereto and bearing the following inscription … Faculty reg. no.1. Faculty no.236, 31.12.1903. Diocesan ref. 220, 18.12.2003. Northumberland Record Office 3064 EP 184/80.