HEXAB1425 Click on
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CB-24 | S7
Lt.-Col. John Nicholson Memorial Window
stained-glass | window
Set inside tabernacle work in the Decorated style. On the left a man in front of a well offers someone a drink from a pitcher; to the right another man holds a bowl in readiness; lilies of the valley below the left figure represent purity. Is it Jacob's Well, or based on the text in John 4:13 (Jesus left Judæa and set out once more for Galilee. He had to pass through Samaria, and on his way came to a Samaritan town called Sychar near […] the spring called Jacob's well. […] Meanwhile a Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus said to her, ‘Give me a drink.’ The Samaritan woman said, ‘What! You, a Jew, ask a drink of me, a Samaritan woman?’ Jesus answered her, ‘If only you knew what God gives, […] you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.’ ‘Sir,’ the woman said, ‘you have no bucket and this well is deep. How can you give me “living water”?’ […] Jesus said, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water that I shall give him will never suffer thirst anymore.’ […] ‘Sir,’ said the woman, ‘give me that water, and then I shall not be thirsty, nor have to come all this way to draw.)
Inscription in the bottom right corner: “MAYER & CO | MUNICH | LONDON”
Unlike the other windows in the abbey the subject matter has long been a matter of speculation. It now seems the most likely interpretation is that it represents one of the Seven Corporal Acts of Mercy—
giving water to the thirsty (Matt. 25:35). There is a very similar window in St James' Cathedral, Toronto by the same maker and made at the same time.
Memorial Inscription across the foot:
Mayer & Co of Munich and London
Unveiled in or after 1887.
1997: Protected with 6 mm polycarbonate by B & R Glazing Co Ltd in September 1997 [Rolling Faculty dated 23 April 1996]
2011/2012: All the polycarbonate protection was removed and wire guards fitted by H&R Developments, Caulkerbush, Dumfries in Oct–Nov 2011 and Jan 2012. [Faculty dated 26 July 2011]
“In memory of William Soulsby, son of John and Hannah NICHOLSON of Halliwell Dene, who d. 8 Sept. 1862 aged 2 days. Also of Henry Soulsby b.17 Apr. d. 9 Sept. 1865. Also of the above John NICHOLSON b. 1 Oct. 1819 d. 3 June 1887. Hugh, fourth son of the above, b. 11 Jan 1870, d. 16 Dec. 1889 and of the above Hannah NICHOLSON who d. at 3 Woodside, Hexham, 24 Oct. 1929 aged 94 yrs. …” [Inscription at cemetery 28/5]
From burial register: 389; Nicholson, William Soulsby; Son of John Nicholson, Surgeon; 2dy; Halliwell Dene; 8 Sep 1862; J.Hudson; B547;
739; Nicholson, Henry Soulsby; Son of John Nicholson, Surgeon; 5mo; Halliwell Dene; 11 Sep 1865; J.Hudson; B547;
3195; Nicholson, John; Gentleman; 67; Halliwell Dene; 7 Jun 1887; H.C.Barker; B548;
3472; Nicholson, Hugh; Engineer; 19; Halliwell Dene; 19 Dec 1889; B.Binks; B549.
No known relationship to John Nicholson (organist & choirmaster from 1865 to 1881) commemorated in brass plate HEXAB2110.
890 × 3000
South Transept/East Aisle/Bay 2: St Etheldreda's Chapel
CND: STEW7, Stall-plate 2 [HEXAB2110]
‘Hexham Cemetery’ p.44.