HEXAB2126Hover on
Brooch with Engraved View of Abbey from NW
brooch | metalwork
Kindly donated by Jenny Marshall of Adelaide Exchange Jewellers, Glenelg, Australia
Oval engraved view of Hexham Abbey from NW, including title HEXHAM ABBEY CHURCH, in sub-baroque curly frame, all silver; with simple fastening pin on the back. Engraved view is not accurate – for example, it shows low windows in W. wall of N. Transept where there have never been windows. This might suggest the engraver was working from a sketch or a [Gibson?] photo. View from Abbey House with features obscured by trees.
GT(?) maker | Anchor » Birmingham | lion passant | Gothic ‘p’ » 1889
Gift in 2013 from Jenny Marshall of Adelaide Exchange Jewellers who had bought it herself in Tasmania
H 25 | W 45 | weight 5.4 grams
HAR: fn.9 p.8 Fig.5 p.9