HEXAB3022 Click on
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Hexham Abbey Church: Restoration of East Front
drawing | flat art
Hexham Abbey Church restoration of east front
Mr Thomas Austin's design
No date. 562 × 403mm
Thomas Austin was a Newcastle architect in partnership with R J Johnson and must have prepared this drawing when the two were in charge of repairs at the Abbey. The precise date of this drawing remains to be discovered.
Mr Thomas Austin's design for ‘Restoration of East Front’ of Hexham Abbey.
Mounted; framed oak – faux bolection outer
Thomas Austin (1822–24/3/1867)
“The thanks of the meeting were accorded to Mr J Gibson for having had mounted and framed a drawing (by [T] Austin, Architect) of the East End (Exterior) of the Choir of the Abbey.” [Churchwardens' Minutes HEXAB5086 04/07/1921]
Pre-2015 in Parish Centre ground floor west under-stair cupboard
H 562 | W 403
In storage