HEXAB4123Hover on
King's Colour of the Northumberland Fusiliers 4th Battalion
flag | textile
Union flag with crown and central motif with ‘IV’ [for 4th Battalion] embroidered. Battle honours on horizontal arm of union. Fringe on 3 sides. Crown with lion mounted to top of pole.
The King's Colour has the Union Flag with the regiment's name round ‘IV’ in the centre.
The Regiment's ‘Honours’ shown on the Colours are their principal campaigns and battles: Mons; Ypres 1915–16; Marne 1914; St Julien; Somme 1916–18; Selle; Scarpe 1917–18; Piave; Steuma; Dunkirk 1940; Suvla; Caen; Rhineland; Defence of Tobruk; Sidi Barrani; Tobruk 1941; Cauldron; Salerno; El Alamein; Cassino II.
pre 1920
The colours were presented on 15th July 1920 and laid up in the Abbey on Sunday 18th November 1979.
Originally hung from the south-west crossing pier, pointing north. Moved to the Nave aisle after June 1987.
A brass plate [HEXAB2168] was made in 1985 to be placed adjacent to the Colours. Because of reservations by the Chancellor and the Diocesan Advisory Committee it was never erected.
(PCC Minutes 20/2/1979) “Laying up of Colours. A letter has been received from the Lt. Colonel commanding the 6th (Volunteer) Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers asking for the Colours of the 4th Battalion, Royal Northumberland Fusiliers to be laid up in Hexham Abbey in the Autumn 1979. It was agreed that the request be granted. Secretary to enquire about a Faculty.”
(PCC Minutes 21/3/1979) “Laying up of Colours. Faculty is not required unless in a case.”
Banners leaflet HEXAB9158.10
on display | hanging from one of the poles [HEXAB327] pointing NE
Nave/North Aisle/Pier 3
1987, 2 Dec. 1. Re-siting of those colours and banners presently in the Nave, Chancel,and North Transept, in the North Nave. … Faculty reg. no.4. Faculty no.4130. A faculty was sought to move from the Chancel the personal banners of Lord Allendale and Sir Percy Loraine, and the Colours of the Scots Guards, into the nave aisle; also the Colours of the British Legion and the Northumberland Fusiliers from the east end of the nave. The Hawick Banner (already in North Nave Aisle) was to be lowered to “line up” with the remaining Banners. CND 20 Feb 2012.
Abbey Chronicle no.254 Nov.1979 p.2
See also: www.hexhamabbey.org.uk