HEXAB4124 Click on
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Garter Standard of Viscount Allendale
flag | textile
The Garter Standard of Viscount Allendale (1890–1956): on a red field, a white lion rampant, with a gold spur-rowel and eight white crescents, all within the red-[and-white] fringe of the Order of the Garter. Hung by side tube.
Like his ancestors, Allendale was Lord of the Manor of Hexham, though the family has long lived at Bywell Hall. His grandfather (1829–1907), created Baron 1906, rebuilt the east end of the Abbey in 1858; co-operated in the making of Beaumont Street and the Town Halt in 1865; and gave Tyne Green to the town, 1887. His father (1860–1923), 2nd Baron, created Viscount in 1911, presented the Sele to the town in 1908 and sold the Abbey Grounds to Hexham in 1912. The 2nd Viscount was a Lord-in-Waiting and Steward of the Jockey Club. His standard was brought from St George's Chapel, Windsor in 1959 [Abb.Chron. May 1959 p3] and laid up in the Abbey on 11th December 1961.
Pre-1987 hung in SW corner of Chancel above the choir stall bearing his Stall-plate [HEXAB1052].
Following the disintegration of the original, a replica banner was installed 13/10/2016; this lacks the red-and-white fringe of the original and the new images lack the apparent depth of the original.
Banners leaflet HEXAB9158.10
on display | hanging from one of the poles [HEXAB327] pointing NW
Nave/North Aisle/Pier 2
1987, 2 Dec. 1. Resiting of those colours and banners presently in the Nave, Chancel,and North Transept, in the North Nave. … Faculty reg. no.4. Faculty no.4130. A faculty was sought to move from the Chancel the personal banners of Lord Allendale and Sir Percy Loraine, and the Colours of the Scots Guards, into the nave aisle; also the Colours of the British Legion and the Northumberland Fusiliers from the east end of the nave. The Hawick Banner (already in North Nave Aisle) was to be lowered to “line up” with the remaining Banners. CND 20 Feb 2012.
See also: www.hexhamabbey.org.uk