HEXAB4125Hover on
Banner of Sir Percy Lyham Loraine
flag | textile
The banner of Sir Percy Lyham Loraine Bt. PC, GCMG (1860–1961) has a black-and-white cross. Fringe on 3 sides same colours. Pole band is a red colour.
On a field quartered black and white is a cross of which the black and white are reciprocally interchanged, at the top is a red left hand cut short at the wrist. All baronets bear as an augmentation to their arms the Badge of Ulster, the ‘Red Hand’, on a silver field.
Sir Percy succeeded as 12th Baronet of Kirkharle in 1917, was appointed Ambassador to Turkey in 1933, and transferred to Rome in 1939. Though not usually living in the North, he owned and often visited properties near Hexham, including Styford Manor and Staward Hall. He asked that his GCMG banner be hung in Hexham Abbey when it was removed after his death from the chapel of the Order in St Paul's Cathedral. His hatchment [HEXAB3062], placed in the nave in 1963, also bears his arms.
1963–1987: hung in NW corner of Chancel [Churchwardens Record HEXAB9535 p13 1963] above the choir stall bearing his Stall-plate [HEXAB1038]
Banners leaflet HEXAB9158.10
on display | hanging from one of the poles [HEXAB327] pointing NE
Nave/North Aisle/Pier 2
1987, 2 Dec. 1. Resiting of those colours and banners presently in the Nave, Chancel,and North Transept, in the North Nave. … Faculty reg. no.4. Faculty no.4130. A faculty was sought to move from the choir the personal banners of Lord Allendale and Sir Percy Loraine, and the Colours of the Scots Guards, into the nave aisle; also the Colours of the British Legion and the Northumberland Fusiliers from the east end of the nave. The Hawick Banner (already in North Nave Aisle) was to be lowered to “line up” with the remaining Banners. CND 20 Feb 2012.
“I BEQUEATH free of all duties the Banner bearing the Arms of Loraine of Kirkharle now hanging above my stall in the Chapel of the Order of St.Michael and St.George in St.Paul's Cathedral London … that the same shall be installed displayed and maintained in the Abbey Church of St. Andrew in the Parish of Hexham in the County of Northumberland until such time as in the nature of things it do perish” [Will of Sir Percy Lyham Loraine]
EP 184/137 (1963) Papers re the Sir Percy Loraine hatchment and banner.
1963. Remove one banneret of Hawick Callants from its present position in the Chancel where it will be replaced by the Loraine Banner. … Faculty reg. no.3. Faculty no.2287, 14.2.1963. NRO EP.184/80.
1963.To Lady Louise Loraine [Louise Violet Beatrice Montagu-Stuart-Wortley 18Jul1893–08Jun1970] for: 1. Sir Percy Loraine's brass plate on back of choir stalls. 2. Hatchment on wall. 3. St Michael and St George banner on north side of Chancel “previously hung in the London chapel of the Order”. Faculty reg. no.3. Faculty no.2288, 14.2.1963. NRO EP.184/80.
See also: www.hexhamabbey.org.uk