HEXAB6102Hover on
Bulbous scalloped capital, circular neck roll
capital | stonework
Cushion capital. Evidence of early Augustinian; similar to HEXAB6157
late 11th – early 12th cent
Found at the Grapes Inn 1881. First mentioned 1888. “In removing an old wall near the site of St Mary's Church in 1880, a capital of the peculiar bulbous form (Plate 38), the prototype of the Norman cushion capital, was found. Similar capitals were found at Jarrow ….” [Hodges 1888 p.21]
‘The two small cushion capitals were found on the site of St Mary's Church, and were carried into the abbey church by me in order that they might be preserved.’ [C C Hodges, The Builder, 12 Jan 1889, p.34]
H 0.29 m × W 0.285 > 0.20 m × D 0.285 > 0.20 m [CND]
recess 3.
Nave/North Aisle/North Wall/Bay 5
Drawing:Hodges, 1888, p.21 & Pl.38.