HEXAB6104Hover on
Portable altar
altar | stonework
Stone 1
A portable altar used in the worship
of Romano-British gods. Wilfrid used
recycled stone from the Roman bridges
at nearby Corbridge and Chesters and
from a pagan shrine at Shorden Brae
near Corbridge.
Miniature portable altar/pedestal
Pre-October 2014 in Recess 3 of nave N wall
2012: “From the North aisle niches: a portable altar used in the worship of Romano-British gods” [Hexham Abbey collection faculty document.pdf, §10]
H 0.29 m × W 0.18 m at top and bottom, 0.135 m in centre × D 0.18 m at top and bottom, 0.165 m in centre. [CND]
first (top) row
Visitor Centre/Mercers' Gallery/West Wall
cf Corbridge (Phillips 1997 no.65)