HEXAB6105Hover on
CASSS Hexham 12 + 5 photos
Cross base, spiral decoration on two faces
base | stonework
Stone 8
A base of an Anglo-Saxon cross
showing vine and scroll carvings
symbolic of Christ and his Church.
This stone dates to the late 8th
or early 9th century.
Decorated on three faces.
Fragmentary cross base decorated with vine-scroll ornament
late 8th–early 9th cent
It was found in 1864 in the garden of Abbey Gate House (at the north side of the Priory) by the late Dr Stokoe, and was deposited in the church in 1907 by Dr C R Kendal.
Pre-October 2014 in Recess 3 of nave N wall
2012 “Two carvings from the post-Wilfrid period, pre-Viking 8th & 9th century, currently in North aisle niches: a) Similar to the ‘Spital cross’ (HEXAB6219) vine-scroll carving” [Hexham Abbey collection faculty document.pdf, §11]
Height 31.1 cm; Width 30.7 cm; Depth 15.2 cm [Kirby, 1974, p.172 no.4]
second row
Visitor Centre/Mercers' Gallery/West Wall
Cramp No.12, p181 calls it a cross base; Kirby 1974 Pl.XXIa,b,c