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HEXHAM: Some Etchings & photos to illustrate “The Record”
album | ephemera
Handwritten table of contents [see Thumbnail image]. 14 plates as published in Hodges' 1888 monograph and, on pages 15–23, 18 sepia half-frame (8 in × 6 in) photos, two to a page [see Google Photos link]:
Pages 1–14 are Plates 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 43, 44, 46, 45, 46A, 53, 55, 56, & 60 from Hodges' 1888 monograph. There is a photo of plate 39A on page 17.
Page 15: North Transept looking N – 8 × 6 in 200 × 153 mm | North Transept E aisle looking north.
16: View from NW Exterior, identical to a colour postcard: Northumbria Series, Gibson & Son, Hexham, No.255; also frontispiece to A History of Northumberland Vol. III, Part I, A B Hinds, 1896 | S Transept Triforium E side.
17: S Transept, looking S, identical to a sepia postcard no.45, published by Gibson & Son, also in Hexham and its Abbey, Hodges & John Gibson, 1919, p.54 | The Crypt, Sections etc. [Hodges' 1888 Monograph, Plate 39A]
18: N Transept, from NW lower windows, exterior | N Transept, NW Angle, base of buttress, exterior.
19: Umfraville Tomb, lady's name unknown, S aisle of Chancel, also p.142 in A History of Northumberland Vol. III, Part I, 1896:— Tomb of Gilbert de Umfraville and his Wife | Head from Corbel – one of the Eastern Chapels.
20: Screen under the Organ – E Arch of Tower from the west | Frith Stool S of Altar.
21: Shrine of Prior Leschman – Near the Screen (1907) E end of lower N face with St Christopher | Prior Leschman's Screen: St George & Dragon from N face [post-1908 orientation].
22: N transept – Figures etc. from Tombs | The Slype – Slabs from Tombs.
23: Chapter-House, ruins of S of Tower, exterior, from the east | The Spital Cross (or St Acca's?), also on page 311 in A History of Northumberland Vol. III, Part I, 1896:— Pre-Conquest Cross at the Spital.
A cloth-bound book with a red cover with title ‘HEXHAM’. Size and 14 etchings identical to ‘HEXHAM Abbey’, a monograph by C C Hodges, 1888 [HEXAB5076.n]. Apparently an intended precursor of ‘Hexham Abbey Record, 674 to 1907.’ [HEXAB5020.n]
Loose inside: a 1908 B&W postcard ‘Choir, Hexham Abbey. 42’ and a cutting from The Church Times 14/08/1908 p190 ‘The Church in Northumbria’.
In the end only plates 3, 47, part of 44, 51, part of 5, & 48 from the 1888 monograph were reproduced, much smaller, in ‘Hexham Abbey Record’, but none of the 18 photos.
This book was brought into the Abbey by Helen Stephenson in May 2012. She had been given it by a friend, Humphrey ??? of Herefordshire – a keen book collector. He had bought it at an antiquarian book sale and thought that it would be of interest to Hexham Abbey. Version on A4 pages in ringbinder HEXAB7018.
pages 395 × 558 | overall 405 × 567 × 20
In storage
See also: photos.app.goo.gl