HEXAB9514Hover on
Labels in Herb Garden
label | ephemera
Set of 11 labels each secured to border stonework by two screws(?) with chrome(?) domes near top corners. Each has a triquetra top centre followed by several lines of text, all white.
The Priory Garden | The monks & canons of Hexham used plants as medicines to heal and for other weird and wonderful reasons, such as to ward off goblins | Today scientists have discovered why many herbal remedies were effective
Self-Heal | Prunella vulgaris | For sore throats, wounds & headaches | Under research today for its anti-viral & anti-cancer properties
Red Campion | Silene dioica | Non-edible but used to treat snakebites & for washing clothes | The root contains saponin, which has a soap like quality
Lungwort | Pulmonaria officinalis | Used for respiratory problems because the plant leaf resembled a diseased lung | An anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-diarrhœa
Sweet Violet | Viola odorata | To calm nerves, for pain relief & used in Ancient Greek love potions! | Contains salicylic acid, the main ingredient in aspirin
Primrose | Primula vulgaris | For inflamed joints, paralysis & gout. Worn on a shaven head to cure madness! | Proven in clinical trials to treat coughs & symptoms of bronchitis.
Mint | Mentha spp. | For stomach upsets, as toothpaste & to warm the aged! | High in anti-oxidants & menthol, a natural decongestant
Soldier's Woundwort | Stachys palustris | Used on the battlefield to stop bleeding & prevent infection | Contains an alkaloid with the ability to make blood clot faster
Betony | Stachys officinalis | Polpular ‘all-heal’ herb. Planted in churchyards to ward off ghosts & goblins! | Has strong anti-oxidant & anti-inflammatory properties
Common Sage | Salvia officinalis | For throat infections & menstrual problems | Contains rosmarinic acid, an anti-inflammatory & anti-microbial
Thyme | Thymus spp. | For coughs, snakebites & to prevent nightmares! | Clinical trials underway for treating bronchitis
Plant name in bold, latin in italics, smaller Roman script for description, italics for explanation
2023: Inscriptions no longer visible, presumably washed away by rain.
Exterior/Prior's Court