Missing Monument to Caleb Rotheram
plaque | memorial
This lost memorial was “South aisle of the choir— … On a black slab inserted in a handsome stone edged with white— …” with the tablet of his son Johannes Rotheram [HEXAB1005] beneath it. [“History of Hexham”, A.B. Wright, 1823, p.98]
To the
Memory of
late of Kendal, DD,
Who successfully united the
forces of Genius and industry
in the cause of Religion,
truth and liberty.
The Holy Scriptures were his
favourite study, the doctrines
he taught, and the Rule
of his life.
With extensive knowledge,
unlimited benevolence,
and rational affection,
He adorned the characters
of a Minister, Tutor, Parent,
and Friend, and died
June 8th, 1752,
Aged 58.
NB: Layout and capitalization of inscription is taken verbatim from A B Wright, 1823, p.98.
“In 1751 his health failed; … he went to Hexham, Northumberland, to stay with his eldest son, [John] a physician. He died at Hexham on 8 June 1752, and was buried in the south aisle of the abbey church, where is a mural monument to his memory.” [DNB vol.17 p.298]
“In the choir is a monument to the memory of the Rev. Peter Rumney, of Hexham; one to Caleb Rotheram, D.D.; and another, with a Latin inscription, inscribed to John Rotheram, M.D.” [Mackenzie, Northumberland, vol.II, 1825 p.281] This means the plaque was removed from the chancel, possibly the south wall where remains the Rumney plaque [HEXAB1040].
According to The Northumberland County History, vol III (ed A B Hinds), 1896 p.198 “North transept, west wall” (with inscription as above).
Burial Register: Revd Caleb Rotheram D.D., 10 Jun 1752.
missing, possibly from Chancel south wall bay 2
CND: NTWW4; EM 211; NCH3 p.198; 1966 p.17