HEXAB155 Click on
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Lady chapel altar
altar | furniture
3 small below 3 larger dark (pine?) wooden panels set in lighter (oak) wooden altar table front. No side; back legs of two planks joined at right angles; projecting top with moulded edge and crosses inscribed at each corner of top surface. Panels of geometric floral patterns, all different – much use of compass. Engraved decoration. Lower panels reflect upper ones but grain horizontal rather than vertical. Re-used from older piece of furniture (the pulpit at St Mary, Lowgate, seen in photograph HEXAB3056). Oak frame has chamfered edges
Derek Dellow of Corbridge (2005) | Miss Barker (1895)
2005 incorporating carved panels made in 1895
On March 6th 2005 a new altar for the Lady Chapel was dedicated and used for the first time. Made by Derek Dellow of Corbridge, it incorporated panels of the pulpit from the chapel of St Mary, Lowgate. The simple pentagonal pulpit had been given in 1895 by the Rector, the Revd Canon Barker and the Misses Barker. The panels were the work of Miss Barker. [News & Views April 2005]
H 990 | W 2130 | D 690
North Transept/East Aisle/Bay 2: Lady Chapel
Faculty no.5648: 2004, 11 Nov. 1. To make the middle chapel of the three in the aisle to the east of the north transept that of Our Lady; the southernmost of the chapels then to be the War Memorial Chapel, to dispose of the table currently used as an altar in this southernmost chapel and replace with the current War Memorial altar; to install a new altar in the newly designated Lady Chapel, made of oak, … including panels from the former pulpit of St Mary's Lowgate (photo supplied), the remainder of the pulpit to be disposed of.